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Product variety

Our products are manufactured exclusively from high-quality plastics with corresponding factory test products.

We have approx. 1,300 different items in our range.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about other items or special articles. We will be happy to take care of your request and endeavor to prepare an offer for you.

A large number of items can also be ordered mounted with a ball bearing or roller bearing.

Plain bearing

Are simple, robust, maintenance-free and insensitive to moisture. They are particularly suitable for less frequent use and wet operation.

Roller bearing

Generally have low rolling resistance, even under high loads. They also have low radial bearing play. They are robust and largely maintenance-free. (Also available in stainless steel)

Ball bearing

Meet the highest demands in terms of load capacity, rolling resistance, low bearing play and low maintenance. They are particularly suitable for heavy-duty castors as well as for higher speeds.

Product categories

Polyamide wheels (PA)

Polypropylene wheels (PP)

Lift truck castors (PA)

Rims (PP)

PA/PU wheels

Apparatus rollers (PA)

Heat-resistant PA wheels

Thrust rings
